Friday, December 15, 2006

The Sun Dagger

In Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, on the south side of Fajada Butte, there is the most astounding astronomical device I have ever seen.

Three large slabs of stone were positioned on the south side of the upper part of the Butte by the Anasazi more than 1,000 years ago.

Below the three slabs are two spiral markings on the rock face: a large spiral and a small spiral to the upper left.

On the first day of winter at noon, sunlight passing between the slabs is projected as a pair of daggers that move from above on either side of the large spiral.
On the first day of spring at noon, a large dagger of light passes through the large spiral and a small dagger of light passes through the small spiral.
On the first day of summer at noon, a single dagger of light passes through the middle of the large spiral.
On the first day of autumn at noon, again as in spring, a large dagger of light passes through the large spiral and a small dagger of light passes through the small spiral.
The degree to which the slabs would have to be formed and positioned in order for this to happen, by people without writing, is simply astonishing.

But that is not all! The Moon goes through a complicated 19-year cycle as it moves across the sky. Sometimes it rises and sets far in the southern and northern sky (called the major standstill), and sometimes it rises and sets nearer due east and west (called the minor standstill). When the Moon rises at Chaco Canyon at the major standstill, the edge of the moonlight touches just the left edge of the large spiral; when the Moon is at the minor standstill, the edge of the moonlight passes through the center of the spiral; and when the Moon is between these two extremes, the edge of the moonlight touches the right side of the large spiral! And there are 19 turns of the spiral!

So there you have it. On a single space at the top of a butte with a spectacular view of Chaco Canyon is the perfect meeting of the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, and Time.

You can see Fajada Butte from space at this site. Click on the + sign in the box in the upper left and you will move in closer and closer.,-107.909722&spn=0.1,0.1&t=k&q=36.018889,-107.909722

For a full explanation, see

For a fascinating explanation of the discovery and how the device works, look for the documentary narrated by Robert Redford called "The Sun Dagger". Available online for about 12 dollars used from major online bookstores.

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