Tuesday, February 5, 2008

GOD is coming

Coming soon: GOD (Googlelike Omniscient Databases)

In a very short while, you will basically be able to pose any question, and either someone will have already fully formulated the answer, or you will be able to get a general idea by looking through the databases yourself.

Although it is shut down now, last week, a company announced that it had gleaned the cell phone numbers of 90 million people in the US. If you wanted the private cell phone number of even a governor, just pay 15 bucks and they would give it to you. The numbers were obtained by searching through public documents.

Is a company doing a bad job? You will soon be able to ask questions about its problems, very specific questions. Considering reroofing? Why not look at a ranking of companies, they types of jobs they do, customer satisfaction, law suits, etc.?

Things like this, which previously required a human to notice, will be done automatically for the entirely of literature, scientific publications, news... and in all languages... very soon.

So, there really will be someone watching everything. That "someone" will be other humans who will soon be able to summon highly tailored information for free.

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