Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We're saved! Hallelujah!

Brazil finds (maybe) huge oil field! We are saved! 33 billion barrels!

Wait a minute...

The world uses, as a rule of thumb, 100 million barrels of oil per day, and the equivalent of 200 million barrels of oil in the form of oil, coal, nuclear, etc., per day.

Let's see...

33,000,000,000 barrels of oil
divided by
is 165 days! 6 months!
Whoopee... the find will run the world for 6 months...

If we divide the find by 100 million barrels, that would provide oil for the world for a year...

So, if we discover one like this every year, our peak oil problem will be postponed. Unfortunately, the last time one like this was discovered was like... 1976...

So always keep in mind that the world uses about 100 million barrels of oil per day...

Whoever wrote this is really ignorant or lying since they are confusing the possible discovery of one year's worth of oil with "our problems are over".

"However, it does cast new doubt on peak oil theory, which postulates that world oil demand will soon outpace supply. "


"No matter how cynical I become, it is just never enough."

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