Saturday, September 6, 2008

Two of the most amusing sites around

These sites have provided hours and hours of amusement over the last few months. Or I suppose they are terrifying...

We are not in a normal downturn. The amplitudes of the crashes and the booms have been increasing, and either in this cycle or the next, the amplitude will be so large that it will be empire-ending...
Look at the list of writedowns/losses... The investment banks who said, "We dont need any regulation or supervision, thank you", now say "Save us! Take tax money! Print money! Save us!" Hahahaha... they have lost all the profits they have ever made because they were smarter than everyone else and went to the finest business schools... Have you ever met some of these people? Some are sharp, but most are myopic bean counters. Basically, they are good at math, and that is about it. They want to tell US how to manage OUR money? That is really too rich... And of course, they will get nasty now because they are humiliated.

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