Monday, October 27, 2008

Why are so many inportant things written in red and green?

I am not colorblind, but in some places about one in ten males is and about one in fifty females.

Today, I was looking at the Reuters Market numbers, and I noticed that market gains were in green and market losses were in red. Given how common colorblindness is, I think this is really inconsiderate.

In other situations, it is downright dangerous.

I have never understood why traffic control signals, the red, yellow, and green lights, are the same shape. Why not make the red light a square, the yellow light a circle, and the green light an upwardly pointing triangle or something? I have never been able to find an estimate of how often a colorblind person mistakes one signal for another, but I am sure it has happened.

Why are emergency signs in red if many people cannot see red? Almost all humans can see blue, so such signs should be in red outlined in blue or some such combination.

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