Monday, November 27, 2006

What is this?

It is a tree!

In many sunny areas of the world, people spend a lot of time cutting down trees and collecting wood for cooking. This takes a huge amount of time and contributes to deforestation and the spreading of deserts. Cooking using wood fires also creates a lot of smoke, which can have adverse effects on health.

The solar cooker will reach temperatures well above the boiling point of water without burning food.

Click on the topics on the left of this page for further information.


Davicho said...

Hey this cooker is so nifty that it's fun watching it cook. I have some digital vids of corn on the cob cooking and the ears are just rolling as the water slow boils all around them.

They are so portable and durable too.

Joel said...


I cannot send you a message directly because your account does not allow that. Please post that video on YouTube. Do you work for this organization? I guarantee it will make interest explode... the video might even make it into the most popular list.