Saturday, March 28, 2009

To paraphrase F. Scott Fitzgerald

Dismissed with the contempt reserved for that which we do not understand.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Visual References in the Finale to Battlestar Galactica

From the Earth to the Moon, Finale

Star Trek, the last movie of The Original Series

Stands-with-Fist in Dances-with-Wolves

Plaque on Pioneer Spacecraft

Out of Africa


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'm not a smart man... but I know what love is...

Cantarell is continuing to crash

The second largest oilfield ever discovered is collapsing at 40% per year...

Get 10 minutes of sun per day or eat sardines or take vitamin D pills

Low blood levels of vitamin D may be associated with an increased risk for dementia, a British study has found.

My guess at the order of the implosions

I guess the UK is going to implode next.

Followed by EU banks.

Followed by the US banks and everyone else.

Conservatism works in a world that is not changing

... in a world that is changing as fast as this one, it will simply be left behind...

Aw, darn it, Cheeta is NOT still alive... is a kind of tall-tale hoax.

Slogan for the Reagan-Thatcher years

Me, myself, and mine...

which is blowing up now...

Thank you very much....

The cause of the worldwide financial implosion

Not only did the quants (see below) give the illusion of precision and actual estimates of risk, the ratings agencies pretended that a lot of things were AAA... if they were so inclined...

Diabetes can slow the brain

Silent runs on banks and insurance companies

A silent $1 trillion "Run on Britain" by foreign investors was revealed yesterday in the latest statistical releases from the Bank of England. The external liabilities of banks operating in the UK – that is monies held in the UK on behalf of foreign investors – fell by $1 trillion (£700bn) between the spring and the end of 2008, representing a huge loss of funds and of confidence in the City of London.

The far far future

Buy and hold

I always wondered what the title of this song was....

Monday, March 9, 2009

The real test of a story

Or a good movie...

... is you feel transformed and will never be the same again...

Dances-with-Wolves ([He who] Dances with Wolves)

Apollo 13



A story on NPR, on This American Life...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Photovoltaic panels to drop by about half by the end of the year

The prices of photovoltaic panels is crashing due to the depression, so the end of 2009 to 2010 may see good prices... but don't wait too long... a lot of manufacturers are going out of business, so this fire sale won't last forever.

The depression has brought oil exploration and development to a screeching halt, so there is going to be a nasty energy crisis when the economy finally picks up in two years... or five... or...

If your fan doesn't blow air like it used to

If you notice that somehow your fan seems to be blowing less and less air, or that your exhaust fan does not seem to be doing its job, try cleaning the blades.

The tiniest amount of dust on the blades can really disrupt the airflow (think a little bit of ice on the wings of a plane causing a huge loss of lift). Clean the grill too. Try feeling the airflow before and after cleaning. You will be amazed.

The answer to The Question of the Ages

Kepler to be launched in hours. If it makes it and works for three years, we will know which of 100,000 Sunlike stars has Earthlike planets. Actually, information will probably start leaking out later this year.

A current guess is that nearly every Sunlike star has at least one planet or moon that could support life. Our solar system alone used to have at least three. Venus and Mars had oceans like Earth billions of years ago. Even now, it is likely there are at least bacteria all over Mars and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and possibly the upper atmosphere of Venus and in the subsurface of the larger asteroids. And that is just for life as we know it...

Everything blowing up so fast

Could hardly keep up with the news.

Message to Mesa: How do you know you are in trouble?
Answer: Your stock is listed in hundredths of a cent.