Sunday, June 26, 2011

Urthecast, Spring 2012

Saltwater ocean under Enceladus

It must be just teeming with bacteria. At least!

The New York Times put up a paywall

I don't know how to tell them this, but they are just not that important anymore.

I used to flip through the NYT every day, but since I did't want to use up my twenty free views per month, I stopped... and after a few weeks, I realized I didn't care because there are so many other things to look at on the Net.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This is much worse than the Great Depression

Although nominal GDP has returned to levels before the crash, there are 20 million fewer jobs.

Also, since the dollar has lost say 20% against other currencies, I would say the GDP is still way off from what it was. If the dollar declines in value say from the current 73 to 50, then while nominal GDP will be 14 trillion, it will actually be 7 trillion.

Oh, of course. Everything is always everyone else's fault.

The country’s energy future is being dictated by the world’s major oil producing nations with no input from American policymakers, a former U.S. intelligence director said Wednesday.

“America’s future is being determined with no Americans in the room,” said retired Adm. Dennis Blair, who served as Obama’s director of national intelligence before resigning last year.

Blair called on policymakers to begin weaning the United States off foreign oil so that the country would not be held hostage by the decisions of major oil producers, which have significant influence over the price of oil on world markets.