Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Here come the food shortages

Because of bad harvests in grain exporting countries, because stupid people are turning grain into ethanol, because fertilizer (made from oil) has tripled in price, and because grain exporting countries are panicking about inflation and have suddenly stopped exporting food so as to head off potential food riots in their own country, suddenly, there is very little grain to buy on the world market. This has now come to the US...


And the fungal wheat disease has not even entered Pakistan and India yet...


Before you start your vegetable garden this summer, dig in some charcoal

This means hardwood charcoal, not charcoal made of coal and not charcoal briquettes or formed charcoal.

Small pieces about the size of fine gravel or grains of corn would be the right size... and the dust would be good too. See if you can find a local charcoal maker. You may also be able to find agricultural or horticultural charcoal in bulk at agricultural supply stores.

You do this once and need never do it again. The soil should improve with each season.


Happy Birthday, Gene Shoemaker!

Eugene Merle Shoemaker 1928-1997

The only person whose ashes are scattered on the Moon.


Most ashamed

If he were my son, I would kill myself.

Wait, wait, don't shoot! I'm a Brazillian electrician!

Sir Ian Blair


When gas was cheap, people drove until they could afford the houses

My cousin, who is really smart about these things, used to buy houses progressively farther from the city. The price would go up, she would sell, and move a little farther out....
But now that pattern is reversing. The outer suburbs may be abandoned unless telecommuting takes hold.


Monday, April 21, 2008

It is not a good idea to heat teflon to high temperatures

You should never heat up an empty teflon-coated frying pan or pot, no matter what the chefs tell you.

The teflon can release a gas that will cause birds to drop over dead, a la canary in a coal mine.


Actually, if possible, you should not raise the temperature of food above the boiling point of water... but that is another story.

千手観音 Senju Kannon, the Thousand-Armed Goddess of Mercy

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The 101 most useful websites



A second pair of glasses really cheap

Here is another example of how the internet can really force the price of stuff way down. If you know the exact prescription for your eyeglasses, including the distance apart of your pupils, you might be able to get them online for about 90 percent off. Dont know how well this will work if you have complicated prescriptions due to, for example, astigmatism, but certainly if you get fitted for a new pair, and you are satisfied with the prescription, you might be able to get a second pair online for a lot less.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

ki kin



Until the end of their lives (100 and 89), my grandmother's sister and my grandmother were growing purple Okinawan sweet potatoes.


We're saved! Hallelujah!

Brazil finds (maybe) huge oil field! We are saved! 33 billion barrels!

Wait a minute...

The world uses, as a rule of thumb, 100 million barrels of oil per day, and the equivalent of 200 million barrels of oil in the form of oil, coal, nuclear, etc., per day.

Let's see...

33,000,000,000 barrels of oil
divided by
is 165 days! 6 months!
Whoopee... the find will run the world for 6 months...

If we divide the find by 100 million barrels, that would provide oil for the world for a year...

So, if we discover one like this every year, our peak oil problem will be postponed. Unfortunately, the last time one like this was discovered was like... 1976...

So always keep in mind that the world uses about 100 million barrels of oil per day...

Whoever wrote this is really ignorant or lying since they are confusing the possible discovery of one year's worth of oil with "our problems are over".

"However, it does cast new doubt on peak oil theory, which postulates that world oil demand will soon outpace supply. "


"No matter how cynical I become, it is just never enough."

Earthquakes don't kill people, buildings kill people

About a 50% chance that California will experience a major quake in the next 30 years.


For want of a rivet... the souls were lost

Further evidence that what doomed the Titanic was substandard rivets. When the ship hit the iceberg, the rivets failed and the plates separated.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pandora's Box

Excellent series, available on youtube... and perhaps a glimpse at what is in store in our economic future.

Skip the first weird minute... it is quirky like that...


Wednesday, April 2, 2008


If you live in the US, you should know the Canterell oil field. It is the second largest oil field ever discovered and supplies us with 10% of our imported oil.

For years the government and the owners of the field lied. There was no problem at all. When you get to the denial stage, you know it can go on for a long time, but the really scary thing is when it ends.

Cantarell used to supply 2.1 million barrels of crude oil per day in 2003, but this was by injecting huge amounts of nitrogen to push the oil out. When you do that, the drop in production can be steep. After years of lying, they finally admit that Cantarell output will drop by 90% by 2021. Ha, ha. And even that is a lie. It is going to drop by 90% much sooner, perhaps within a year or two.

There goes the second largest oilfield. ever discovered..

The government of Mexico relies for more than half of its revenue on the oil exports. Without the current high price of oil, there would already have been a huge fiscal crisis. Without huge new production, Mexico will be using all of what oil it produces and will be unable to export.



Walmart employee seriously injured and needs round the clock care. Her son died in Iraq. Walmart sued her and took the case to the Supreme Court to get all of the insurance settlement money she had. Walmart was legally right...


Minority Report interface

If you haven't seen Minority Report, it has the most amazing computer interface. I want, I want!

MRSA is something you really need to know about

MRSA is a kind of bacterium that is resistant to many common antibiotics.

An MRSA infection is therefore very difficult to treat, can require amputation, and can be fatal.

Last year, about 300,000 people were infected in the US, with about 20,000 deaths. That would mean, since about 3,000,000 people are born in the US each year, your lifetime risk of getting an MRSA infection would be around 10%. It will almost certainly happen to someone you know.

It can start looking like a boil or pimple.

Many people have the bacterium living in their noses and on their skin. It is usually harmless, but can get into the skin in a small cut, and once an infection starts, it can be very difficult to treat, depending on the strain (type) of the bacterium.

This is why you should not share towels, razors, and other personal items. Soap in a bar can carry the bacteria, so gel soap is better. (Soap does not kill bacteria and viruses; it helps pull bacteria and viruses off the skin so you can rinse them away.)


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Aloha, Aloha Airlines

Mesa Air Group and go!
Hmm, looks like your stock is down 90% from 1994.
Update April 15, 2008: Your stock is down from $22 to 65 cents!
Way to go!

Your pilots quit in droves.

go! pilots! fall! asleep?
Hmm, this is the kind of situation where cheap is expensive.

Mesa pilots quit.

Here is the VP of Aloha explaining what happened.

How to delete "porn" and evidence at the same time... from three different computers... and get an 80 million dollar fine...

Here is porn meister, George "Peter" Murnane III. (Hmm, your name is "George", but you call yourself "Peter"... you sure are one) (And by the way, just call me cynical, but I don't believe him...)
