Wednesday, April 2, 2008

MRSA is something you really need to know about

MRSA is a kind of bacterium that is resistant to many common antibiotics.

An MRSA infection is therefore very difficult to treat, can require amputation, and can be fatal.

Last year, about 300,000 people were infected in the US, with about 20,000 deaths. That would mean, since about 3,000,000 people are born in the US each year, your lifetime risk of getting an MRSA infection would be around 10%. It will almost certainly happen to someone you know.

It can start looking like a boil or pimple.

Many people have the bacterium living in their noses and on their skin. It is usually harmless, but can get into the skin in a small cut, and once an infection starts, it can be very difficult to treat, depending on the strain (type) of the bacterium.

This is why you should not share towels, razors, and other personal items. Soap in a bar can carry the bacteria, so gel soap is better. (Soap does not kill bacteria and viruses; it helps pull bacteria and viruses off the skin so you can rinse them away.)

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