Saturday, November 1, 2008

Credit Default Swaps are not being demonized

By using trigger words like "demonized", many people try to deflect criticism.

Let's put it this way: Credit Default Swaps gave the illusion of no risk.

"This is nothing more than an insurance contract and we treat it as though it has human qualities. You can't have a good or an evil insurance policy," said Roy Smith, professor of finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University.

"Do we sit around talking about the demon insurance companies who insure the hurricanes?" he asked. "Why not?"

Oh, but we do. We do ask about "demon" insurance companies that by insuring houses on the coast actually encourage people to build where their houses and their lives are at high risk. Because the catastrophes are rare, if the insurance company is lucky, it can go on for years or decades just taking in premiums and not paying out a single cent. What a racket! Until disaster strikes and they cannot pay, and there are a lot of dead people.

When people think there is no risk, they drive drunk, they build houses where they should not, they gamble, they make wars...

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