Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New H1N1 influenza strain

Also called "swine flu", this influenza strain has certain characteristics that I think mean we will all be exposed to it by the end of the summer. Fortunately, it seems to be mild in most cases. In addition, it seems that many people over the age of 20 had an influenza strain decades ago that confers some immunity.

1. It is highly contagious

2. Symptoms may not appear for 5 days, so people go to work and school unaware they are spreading virus.

3. Rate of increase is very high
I guess from cases in the US going from say 1,000 to estimated 100,000 in one month, that the rate of increase is 100 fold per month, but let's say conservatively 20 fold per month. If that is the case, then if we have 100,000 now, we will have 20 times as many at the end of June, or 2 million, then 40 million in July, exceeding the 300 million population of the US by August.

I don't think they can make vaccine fast enough to matter.

Since it is mild so far, perhaps we should look at it as a free live vaccine against what could be a far nastier mutation that could crop up down the road.

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