Monday, April 25, 2011

Another reason to laugh at Microsoft... and shun them

Paul Allen, the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, has lashed out at internet rivals such as Apple and described Google as "evil".


He describes Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple who is on medical leave, as "monomaniacal". [Yes, Steve Jobs monomaniacally focuses on putting out quality products... more than a decade before Microsoft, then Microsoft copies it... badly... iPod vs. Zune. Microsoft puts out stuff full of bugs that is not even decently beta tested and let's everyone waste time debugging it... for years... and does whatever is necessary to make more money. People hated Vista so much they renamed Vista2 as Windows 7 to mislead everyone into thinking it was not Vista. Microsoft has wasted more of everyone's work time than anything else, all for the sake of making more money.]

In an interview with the Sunday Times, Allen criticisesSergey Brin and Larry Page, the co-founders of Google, for their corporate mission statement: "Don't be evil". Allen talked about their "elbows and claws" in their pursuit for growth.

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