Thursday, May 28, 2009

Second Best: The Detection of Biosignatures in Extrasolar Planets

The ultimate goal is of course the detection of a civilization in another star system by SETI or other project. That may or may not turn out to be easier than detecting biosignatures on extrasolar planets. Biosignatures detected in planets in nearby star systems would allow a rough estimate of the prevalence of life in our galaxy. My guess is if there are planets or moons that are not too close to the star and are not in highly eccentric orbits, even if those planets or moons have no atmosphere and are frozen, then life is almost certainly present in subsurface oceans or pockets. In our solar system, there may be life in the upper atmosphere of Venus, certainly on Earth, nearly certainly on Mars and in Europa, and perhaps even in Ceres and many of the other ice moons.

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