Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 13, 1781, and March 13, 1930

March 13, 1781, Uranus ("YU ra nus", not "your ANUS", which seems to have started as a schoolboy joke) discovered by Sir William Herschel, discoverer of infrared radiation, maker of telescopes, musician, discoverer of moons of Saturn and Uranus, discoverer of binary stars, discoverer of the motion of the solar system through space, discoverer of the disk shape of the Milky Way, coiner of the word "asteroid", recipient of the Copley Medal, Fellow of the Royal Society, the King's Astronomer.

March 13, 1930, discovery of Planet X, Pluto, announced by Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of asteroids, observer of UFOs, recipient of a medal from the Royal Astronomical Society.
Some of his ashes are aboard the New Horizons spacecraft that flew by Jupiter in 2007 and will fly by Pluto and Pluto's largest moon Charon (the ferryman to whom you pay a coin to take you across the River Styx, pronounced "Sharon") on July 14, 2015, and possibly fly by an object in the Kuiper Belt around 2020! And here I thought Gene Shoemaker's ashes going to the Moon was something!

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