Sunday, October 11, 2009

Select for tameness and all else follows

The answer to one of The Questions of the Ages: Why are humans capable of total self-sacrifice and unspeakable cruelty, that is, why are there Angels and Demons in us?

Simply select for tameness, and within four to ten generations, a cluster of visible traits beings to appear in rats, foxes, and minks. Aggression decreases, amenability to physical contact increases, brain size decreases, tooth size decreases, jaw size decreases, ears become floppy, tails become shorter, novel fur patterns appear, body shape changes, breeding becomes year round, and a generally juvenile appearance is retained throughout adulthood. These features can all be obtained simultaneously by a simple mechanism: alter the timing of gene expression so that juvenile genes are expressed for a much longer time and the expression of adult genes is greatly delayed.

I speculate that this could also automatically increase lifespan since the expression of genes that are the causes of disease in late life might be put off for even longer.

This also suggests that, absent some trauma during youth, the way people are is largely genetic and their behavior is very difficult to change.

Is this why horrible selfish people in general stay that way until they die?

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