Monday, November 16, 2009

Santa and the flying reindeer

Many, many years ago, in Hawaii, just before Christmas, one evening (you were never sure just when), two policemen on motorcycles would ride down the street announcing, "Kids! Santa is coming!"
And right behind them, there he was in his sleigh with nine mechanical reindeer prancing into the air, Rudolf's nose glowing bright red. Santa would throw candy, especially peppermints. Kids ran alongside the float, with big brown paper sacks, trying to get as much candy as possible.
One of my fondest memories of a world that is so very far away now...

In more recent years, a neighbor on the next block would go all out for Christmas. His yard was filled with plywood cutouts he made and painted himself. Every year, he would add popular characters: this year Power Rangers, next year Ewoks. People used to come from far away to drive by to see what the new characters were.

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