Friday, August 10, 2007

Spam filters now reject real emails you really want

Spam now makes up 19 out of 20 emails.

This is due to a certain software company that has never paid all that much attention to security because it makes more money that way. According to the New York Times, 50,000 Windows computers are taken over in the US EVERY DAY and turned into spam-spewing zombie computers; no other types of computers have this kind of problem.

So now, because there is so much spam, spam filters regularly reject what they should not and send work emails and other real emails into junk folders, and these real emails are not read or are discarded.

And we have to spend a lot of time being careful of wording because the inclusion of one wrong word (like "stock") can cause a spam filter to reject an email as spam.

And this does not even include all the emails that are outright blocked before they even get to you and you never even see.

I have had work emails sent to clients' junk folders.

Yesterday, I got an email from one of my cousins. It was labeled as spam.

I have to manually delete dozens of emails per day after checking each one to be sure it is not a real email.

Thank you very much, certain software company, for wasting so much of my and everyone else's time for so many years.

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